Monday, August 29, 2011

Blog Prompt 2

I got this comic from a weekly comic website called Hipster Hitler. The Web URL is Basically, the author takes a historical figure and assigns him the "hipster" label. Hipster Hitler makes many comments that the real Hitler would never have even thought of. Therefore, the author taunts the "hipster" fad by displaying just how ridiculous it is. He uses the "what if" question to make commentary about something he thinks is ridiculous. Obviously, Hitler was an enthusiastic and passionate leader. Hipsters, on the other hand, find it uncool to be passionate about anything. They wouldn't be caught dead being patriotic or taking initiative. The authors main goal is to satirize the lifestyle of contemporary youth in their over-extending attempts to be original, authentic, and cool.
The main goal of the hipster is to be able to say 'I liked that before it was popular'. For this, they listen to very obscure bands-just in case they make it. The hipster also enjoys knowing of things that other people don't. This is another reason for listening to obscure bands. If anyone were to ask a hipster what he or she likes to listen to, he or she would name a few bands that nobody has ever heard of. They would then ask the questioner if he or she had ever heard of those bands and when the questioner said no, he or she would feel a large amount of pride. 
Hipster Hitler definitely shows many truths about the Hipster life. See his t-shirt- it has a clever, "punny" message that only few people would actually understand. Also, the last frame shows another hipster quality. Instead of invading Poland, Hitler suggests invading a different place instead. A place that the other character has "probably never heard of before". 
This cartoon wasn't really published in a relevant historical time. Except that this is kind of the height of hipster awareness in a way. I just heard about hipsters a little while ago.

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