Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I'm not entirely sure if this was exactly what we were supposed to do, but I saw this comic, and I liked it because it kind of pokes fun at a type of person that really gets on my nerves! First, the context of this photo in it's location and time of release. This comic was released recently. People today feel, probably more than do people of past generations, that poaching is an incredibly heinous crime. It has become a larger issue in recent years as many animals are being put on the endangered list due to it. This comic uses that feeling to create an exaggerated example of the way that people try to justify things by saying that it was "meant to be" or that "everything happens for a reason". While it is okay to think that way about some things, many people take it way too far, as this comic suggests. 
The argument relies on pathos to communicate it's purpose. The reader feels upset about the graphic depiction of the rhino, then they read the character's reason for killing it, in addition to his justification and experiences anger or annoyance. The  reader then recognizes that type of justification. The reader realizes that this sounds like someone he knows or someone he's heard talking before. The point of the comic is then recognized, and a reaction follows. The reason I say "reaction", and leave that kind of generalized, is because, depending on the person, a reaction may range from being offended to hysterical laughter. Comics that use humor like this are often thought to be offensive or controversial. This could be seen as an attack on religion, as religious people are more likely to say that "it was meant to be" in situations. 
Like I said, I wasn't entirely sure if this was what I had to do. I might have just had to examine an ad. Or maybe I had to do the blog prompt on the syllabus. I don't know. But it is two in the morning. I'll figure it out when I wake up. Goodnight, beautiful world. 

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