Monday, October 24, 2011

World View

My position in the world is probably the greatest factor in deciding how I see it. I am a nineteen year old white male, attending a large, public university in the south. This tells me several things. I most likely come from a family with a good amount of money-at least upper-middle class. Either that or I am an extremely bright student with many scholarships. Unfortunately, it is the former. But anyway, it also tells me that I probably come from a republican family, which I do. Also, because I am male, I have a greater opportunity to earn higher positions in the world (statistically speaking). Obviously I could make assumptions about myself all day long. Some would be right and some would be wrong, but the fact is that society shapes much of who and what we are. It also shapes what we do, how we act, who we like, and what we like. For example, a child born into destitute is probably more likely to either not go to college or to drop out of high school than a child born into a wealthy family. Even though both children have a chance to succeed, the wealthy child will see the world as his her own. The poor child is more likely to simply give up. A child in China is given much less of a chance than one born in America. For them, it's either be a patty farmer, or become a successful business man. Our position in the world determines everything.

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