Thursday, September 15, 2011


Every time Facebook is brought up in discussion in school, it is almost always viewed negatively. In class discussions, I mean. People always seem to complain that "we are losing our ability to communicate with one another" which I suppose may be happening to some. But it certainly isn't happening to me. Facebook, for me, is a great tool to keep in touch with people far away. People who say that we should communicate with people face-to-face all the time obviously don't have friends or family that are far away. If I tried to communicate with people who are far away only through face-to-face interaction, I wouldn't be able to communicate with anybody I knew from high school or growing up. I would barely ever talk to my siblings and my parents would be distant memories. I think that long-distance communications being sped up to only seconds of travel time is a good thing. Also, people were complaining in my sociology class that, because of online social sites, we don't communicate through letters anymore. Why would anyone ever want to do that. The thought of snail-mail just makes me sick. I can just zap an email. Plus I don't want to have to use paper and a stamp. People like to pretend to be old-fashioned. I guess it's because they think it's cool. But it makes me mad.

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